Saturday, June 27, 2009

{Stimulation Meds}

Last night was my first night starting my stimulation meds. I now have to give myself 3 separate injections each night. 1 injection of Lupron, 1 75 IU injection of Menopur and 1 150 IU injection of Follistim. Overall it went well, I mixed the dosages and got the Follistim Pen all set up and ready to inject. After getting it all ready it didn't take long at all to give myself the injections. These ones take longer to inject, thus there is more discomfort, but I just keep reminding myself that this IS our cycle and it will all be worth it in the end!!! I noticed some slight bruising and tenderness on my abdomen this morning, so I can just imagine how much worse this will get with my next week of stims daily...eek!! Anyways, just a brief update, we go in for our first follie check tomorrow morning at 8 to see how the progress is going and whether or not I will stay on the same dose for the next few days :) It's going to be a busy few weeks full of needles, dr appointments and ultrasounds!


  1. I dealt with HA too and now have a beautiful daughter. Good luck with your journey. May it be a short one!

  2. Are you on baby asprin? I found out that that is what caused me to bruise SO badly during our IVF. Best of luck to you and this WILL bring you your baby!
