Monday, June 22, 2009

Suppression Check U/S

I started my first injections last Monday with the Luteal Lupron. I take 10 units of this nightly. The shot hasn't been too bad at all. It isn't very painful and has only caused minimal bruising. So that's a relief..and it makes me realize I can do this!!! I CAN deal with these shots and it will all be worth it in the end when I'm pregnant and we're bringing home our new baby :)

And after my appt today, it's official, I get to start my stimulation meds on Friday night! I went into the Dr. this morning and had an ultrasound to confirm I had no cysts and that my ovaries were 'ready to be stimulated' I guess. Unfortunately my normal dr. wasn't available so I had a different nurse do my u/s. She was really nice, but had a little trouble finding both my ovaries (they were hiding behind my uterus..) so she had to move the wand around and then press on my abdomen which was a little uncomfortable, but overall it went well. She ended up finding both ovaries and from what she could see both looked good, 20 follicles in one and 15 in the other. After the u/s I met with my nurse and we confirmed my schedule and the meds dosages I will be starting on Friday. She said it sounds like the u/s was fine and will call back with any changes. on the checklist: stimulation meds! :)

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